Open source hardware fabrication

We can assist you in fabricating your open source scientific instruments

Low cost, modular, upgradeable and easy to maintain

Why open source and not off-the-shelf proprietary instruments?

First, the offer of tested and verified open source scientific instruments (OSSI) has grown exponentially since 2009, when the first open source 3D printers were made popular, marking the beginning of the open source hardware hype. Nowadays, name it and you'll find it. We are reaching the point where every proprietary instrument has its OSSI equivalent. The problem is choosing a good OSSI from thousands of proposed models. Here are some benefits for choosing an OSSI:

Costs: OSSIs cost less to obtain, use, maintain, adapt and integrate with other instruments. 

Empowerment: The design of OSSIs is highly transparent. Students can easily learn how to assemble, use and maintain them, and how to interface them with other instruments.

Quality of data: OSSIs are easy to use and tweak, students gain greater insights into the functioning of the instrument, reducing the chance of data pollution with instrument artifacts. Since their functioning is highly transparent, they are better candidates for data reproducibility. 

Open science: OSSIs are suitable for open science. They have features that make them shareable and allow socialization of scientific research and discovery. More here

Environment: OSSIs are produced locally, they are modular, upgradable and highly adaptable.

National security: OSSIs are produced locally, therefore they rely less on global supply chains. 

Some papers


We help you find your instrument from our curated list of designs, up to your standards.


A  design is as good as it is fabricated. We use a unique, trusted fabrication method.

Your financial contribution will be shared with the designers of your open source instrument to sustain their efforts.