Normalize the 4th Sector

Venture category: 4th Sector

Community: Sensorica


non scheduled



Work with governmental institutions to recognize and legitimize the Fourth Sector. 


People organize in open networks, using the Internet to communicate and coordinate actions on the ground. Open networks are not Coops, Nonprofits, or Inc-s, they don't have managers and bosses, don't operate out of head offices, they are creatures of the 4th Sector. 

Open networks are new channels for latent social potential, but face insurmountable institutional barriers. These new types of organizations have real impact but their structure and governance are not recognized by our institutions, as if they didn’t exist. Moreover, open networks need better interfaces with traditional institutions. 

Open Fourth Sector Rationale, document produced by Sensorica.


Communication and coordination

Communication channels

Coordination tools



Building relations and outreach, connecting with the web3 sphere, DAOs

Current needs


Current work

Efforts for normalization are going on in Lebanon, you can join discussion on Discord.

Past work

Past events

Fourth Sector in Verdun, with the Justice Minister

Documentation repository


Describe all layers of incentives


more on Governance page
VENTURES are COLLABORATIVE, TRANSPARENT (anyone has access to the information that they produce) and OPEN (anyone can participate). They only produce deliverables based on OPEN SOURCE technology. VENTURES have a CUSTODIAN that represents them legally and acts as a trust for their tangible assets. VENTURES can have multiple EXCHANGE FIRMS, which are commercial entities that move products and services developed by VENTURES on the MARKET. EXCHANGE FIRMS oblige themselves by contract with the CUSTODIAN to share PROFIT with all contributors to VENTURES, from which they commercialize PRODUCTS.

Open Venture governance document

 [Instruction: link to governance doc, use template to create governance - delete this after]

Organizational context
