
Official event Registry of the Sensorica OVN

Presentations, discussions, workparties ... about open hardware and software, sensors, web of things, open data, p2p economy, open value networks, contribution accounting systems, etc.

Add events using the template below... 

(S) HELP - How to organize an event

Event Name: Template

date:  ...
time:  ...
location: ...

Organizers:  ....
Register { __URL for registration__ }
Social media { __URLs for interactions__ }  

Event coordination { __URLs for participation__ }

Weekly events

WorkParties are regular events where people work synchronously on various initiatives. coordination happens on Discord

Look in the calendar below for "WorkParty" or other recurring events. Click to see the topic and copy event to your own calendar. Follow the instructions in there. 

click to see all past events

Playlist of events, click on " = " (top right corner) to see more videos.

Cool events ideas

that YOU can realize   | Propose an event  | How to organize events?

Learning events

Get together with the intention to dive deeper into a specific topic, for instance a specific p2p platform, Definity, Holochain, ... and stay on it together until we get a good understanding about it. Search, think, analyse together, develop shared understanding. 

Movie night

Get together and watch a documentary or a movie about a topic related to the p2p world, open hardware, etc. Watch and discuss. Can be relaxed, cozy, popcorn and beer.


Presentations page 

Used to post public presentations that can be accessed by someone presenting in a conference or a similar setting.