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You might find this site complex and wired, because it reflects the structure of an open and collaborative organization.Don't panic, if you're lost it's normal. Welcome to the p2p world :)
Some direct benefits
Help to develop your projects, in collaboration with other network affiliates.
Learn how to work collaboratively.
Dignity, you own the fruits of your work as well as the environment.
Flexibility for work: whenever you feel creative and productive.
Empowerment, take initiative in projects and to improve the environment.
Ethics, as a result of an open, transparent and participatory environment.
Fairness for sharing or redistribution of benefits, in proportion to everyone's contribution (more on the CAS).
Do your internship with Sensorica!
want to Join as an affiliate?
See our organizational structure, consult the list of things we badly need and complete the Contact form. See also the New member Handbook.
Nothing stops you from proposing something new! Create a new project