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You might find this site complex and wired, because it reflects the structure of an open and collaborative organization.Don't panic, if you're lost it's normal. Welcome to the p2p world :)
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Why join the environment?
You've heard of distributed ledger technologies (blockchain), of peer-to-peer (p2p), of these strange network-type organisations, of money without the bank (Bitcoin)?
Harness the crowd, its wisdom, creativity and material resources.
Think about how Wikipedia is produced, with very little money and lots of contributions from lots of people. Within this environment you can apply that same recipe to your projects. Adopt p2p economic models to reduce the financial barrier for launching a venture to less than 5%. Partner with the crowd not with the bank.
Hire the crowd
Opt for crowdsourced R&D on demand and reduce your R&D costs to 50%.
Join other organizations to collaborate on open source technologies that befit everyone, while sharing the costs. Example, develop new standards, new infrastructure etc.
Peer into to the future
This is an ideal space for traditional organizations to adapt in this rapidly changing economic landscape, to learn about the collaborative economy and commons-based peer production.
Some direct benefits
R&D at low cost
Risk shared across a network.
Platform for crowdsourcing of open innovation
Resources for innovation and rapid prototyping.
Access to know-how and technical knowledge in IoT and blockchain.
Network of engineers, scientists and new economy mavericks.
Access to new economic practices, the OVN model.
Help in redesigning your organisation for the future economy.