New to Sensorica? See the New Affiliate Handbook
Create Venture
Create, fund, grow, steward ventures Open Venture help page
Log Contribution
When you contribute to existing venturesPlease read the definition of a contribution first.
Time-based contributions
See video tutorial.
Refer to the OVN Wiki Tutorials for logging contributions Sensorica's NRP-CAS
Financial/Purchase contribution
You need to have a poof for the contribution (a bill).
If you have a paper bill, put your name on it, scan it and name the file bill - your_ name+small description, and place this file the SENSORICA/BILLS folder.
If the bill is virtual, make sure you have it in pdf, name the pdf file bill - your_ name+small description, and place this file the SENSORICA/BILLS folder.
Large contributions to a project or to the network
Open governance and procedure doc
Material contribution
NOTE: Take a picture, name it materials - your _name+short description and place it in SENSORICA/BILLS/Pictures for material contributions folder. Link to this picture in the form.
Community admin
Facilitate, coordinate, organize, process, ... New affiliates
How to subscribe a new affiliates doc
New Affiliate Handbook (email this list to the new affiliate after subscription)
Answers to requests
Sometimes we get different requests from non-affiliated individuals. There is a document containing templates of polished answers for these requests.
Answering to public/general inquiry coming from our Contact us page
If you are an affiliate of this OVN you can subscribe to receive notifications when someone contacts us using the Contact Us form. Open this spreadsheet and go to Tools/Notification rules...
IMPORTANT: Make sure you leave a note in the Action Taken column (used for coordination) if you take any action. Not doing so is bad, you might lose your reputation if you take unilateral action on requests to the network.
Copy Sensorica on your message in order to make your communication transparent.
Be open to constructive criticism from others for your communication style. This is how we get better at it and/or find our proper place within this community.
You can also constructively criticize this very approach (use the main mailing list) and propose other communications approaches.
New contacts/partners
If you met someone who wants to become a partner, to collaborate on a given project, you can enter the info in this form. Open the spreadsheet containing all contacts/partners (affiliates only).
A partner would be someone who is interested in collaboration but not to become an affiliate of the OVN.
IMPORTANT: Respect the degree of affiliation! In you want to contact a partner is is always good to go through the affiliate who has a direct/personal relationship with this partner. All this info must be already contained in the form/spreadsheet. Not doing so is bad, you might lose your reputation if you jump over those who maintain sensitive relations.
Organize an event
Meetings, workparties, hackathons, presentations, etc.
Our best advice, based on our collective experience, on how to organize events. Open procedure document. See also governance for public communications.
Open Best practice document for outreach
Video recordings
Sourcing or Funding
If you want to set up a funding initiative go to Revenue and Funding. All funding initiatives must be registered in the Legit registry!
If you want to fund a venture, go to the Finance Venture page.
Resource creation, use and management
Physical resources
Use of the Sensorica lab
Lab page. Join the lab. Lab rules.
Share/borrow tools and instruments from the Sensorica lab
If you want to share a tool / instrument with the community that you don't need on a daily basis please include it into our spreadsheets. Please feel in all the information for every instrument and tool you want to share.
If you need to borrow a tool / instrument look for it in our lists, see what's the ownership status, find the responsible affiliate, find where the tool is at this moment, if and when it will be available, and other conditions. Don't forget to update the "Current location of the instrument" and the "Next date available" fields associated with the tool in case you borrow it. You can see the rules related to the use and sharing of materials here.
Samples to process
How to process samples from customers and/or partners. Open document.
Shipping and receiving packages
Manufacturing process design: Open document (please help improve it!)
Digital resources
Shared accounts for digital platforms (like Twitter, Linkedin, etc.). Open governance doc at Virtual Infrastructure Custodian.
Improve Governance
Go to Governance page.
Propose and implement new rules, use this template.
Digital environment
The digital environment is an assembly of tools or virtual spaces that we use to collaborate.
All network affiliates are responsible for the content, as well as for the form of the share digital environment.
Transparency: Anyone can access practically all content in almost all digital spaces (don't need to be a network affiliate). Non-transparent spaces are only created by consensus, in very rare cases.
Openness: All network affiliates are given access to all digital spaces upon request. Some roles in some spaces are granted based on reputation and past contributions.
If you have ideas about how to improve our digital environment you propose changes and join others working on similar things. Go to the Digital Environment page.
You are strongly encouraged to use the Sensorica calendar to schedule and share your events and activities to give network-wide visibility and attract resources to your initiatives
Go to Events page for more...
For presentations, see methodology doc.
Insert Other