Finance venture
You can chose to donate or to contribute to a venture.
Contribution: you become an affiliate gain access to benefits (see venture's governance doc).
Complete the following text and provide it with your payment if done with Paypal, or email it to the Custodian after you make an ETH transfer.
I, --name-- contribute with --amount-- in --unit ($, ETH or other)-- to --venture name--. Contact me using --email-- and/or --telephone-- . Thank you.
Donation is a gift with no expectations, because you appreciate the goal and the people working to achieve it.
You can remain anonymous or provide your name and coordinates for recognition. Complete the following text and provide it with your payment if done with Paypal, or email it to the Custodian after you make an ETH transfer.
I, --name-- donate --amount-- in --unit ($, ETH or other)-- to --venture name--. Optional / Contact me using --email-- and/or --telephone-- . Thank you.
The best way to help is to give a small monthly contribution, so we can plan our activities and build towards sustainability. If you prefer, a one time donation is always welcomed.
Contribute in fiat or crypto.
copy or scan public key 0x68bce84B278e622D4c1c20018Ca4D7D17Da849c4
Other coin options, contact Custodian
IMPORTANT NOTE - ACES/CAKE guarantees that all the contributions made with the above button will not be used for other purposes, other than IT and physical infrastructure development and maintenance for Sensorica OVN as a whole as well as for the Sensorica Montreal Lab, or reward individuals who take important support roles.
Support roles
lab animator (keeps the spirit high and connects the network to other entities)
lab guide (accompanies new affiliates for their integration within the community)
lab administration (finance, paper work)
lab responsible (helps affiliates in the lab for their technical problems)
outreach (send signals about activities, needs wants, events through social media)
relations with academia, private sector and the open sector.
These roles are listed in the Sensorica Montreal lab expenses spreadsheet.