Pamela internship
Ecodesign and Innovation
First posted on Sep 11, 2017, 9:10 PM by Tiberius Brastaviceanu [ updated Doc 22, 2022]
Pamela studies Sustainable Development and Ecodesign at University of Montreal. Her internship with Sensorica focused on a novel approach to innovation for the Matrioshka project.
The main goal of her study was to demonstrate that using concepts from ecology one can change the perspective on a project or product and generate new functionalities and designs.
To conduct her study, Pamela organized two Innovation / Ecodesign activities
Matrioshka, une bete etrange solaire [involving kids]
Matrioshka and mobility as a network [involving adults]
Pamela got the support of Sensorica and OuiShare affiliates for her internship. At the same time, she brought a very interesting perspective on innovation to Sensorica and made important contributions to the design efforts of the Matrioshka urban furniture.