Tiberius Brastaviceanu

Active affiliate of Sensorica and co-founder; 

Invited expert for European Commission Horizon 2020

My contributions log


Build an incursive (permissionless) economy that can thrive within natural boundaries. 

To reach that goal we need to bridge the p2p world and the traditional world by legitimizing a 4th sector.  

Contribute to the development of the (open) enterprise of the future. Redefine material production, using the Open Value Networks (OVN) model. 

Be part of a global network of disruptive technology developers.


Over 13 years of activity and experience with participatory/collaborative economic practices.  

Main architect of the open value network (OVN) model and very instrumental in its implementation. 

In Sensorica I do network weaving, coordination, facilitation, guidance, animation and documentation. 

At a higher level, I craft p2p governance, design p2p economic models and I help build digital infrastructure for the new economy. I am also involved in designing open innovation and open science programs. 

Academic background: physics, non-linear optics and laser applications to biotechnology, philosophy of science and epistemology.

In tech, I contribute to sensing, IoT and blockchain applications. 


Public consultations

Mémoire pour l'économie collaborative [English version], Présenté au Ministère de l’Économie, Science et Innovation du Québec (MESI) le 20 avril, 2018
Mémoire Plan d’action du sport et du plein air urbains 2018-2028 [English version], Présenté à la Ville de Montréal le 2 Mai 2018
ESDC consultation on Social Innovation and Social Finance, Presented to the Ministry of Employment and Social Development Canada in 2017

My presentations

Canadian Science Policy Center conference - CSPC 2017
World Forum for a Responsible Economy, Lile, 2017
Deep Dive: Rethinking value, Berlin, 2016
p2pValue International conference, Amsterdam, 2016
Invitation to private meeting in Ottawa, Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development (2016),
Invitation to private meeting at the White House (2015),
Impact Economy Summit (2015),
OuiShare Paris (2014),
TEDx Montréal (2013),
+ numerous presentations in academic forums 

In the press

Cautious hope: Prospects and perils of communitarian governance in a Web3 environment (2024)
Reimagining New Socio-Technical Economics Through the Application of Distributed Ledger Technologies (2020)
Meeting Grand Challenges with Participation of a Different Kind (2020)
Breaking the Chains of Open Innovation: Post-Blockchain and the Case of Sensorica (2020)
Peer to peer: The commons manifesto (2019)
Blockchain Value Networks - (IEEE, 2019)
P2P accounting for planetary survival (2019)
The ecosystem of commons-based peer production and its transformative dynamics (The sociological review 2018)
Re-imagining Value: Insights from the Care Economy, Commons, Cyberspace and Nature [Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, (March 2017)
From Open Innovation to Crowd Sourcing: A New Configuration of Collaborative Work?  (2017)
Value in the commons economy: Developments in open and contributory value accounting (2017)
Sensorica ou quand l’accès libre se met au service du bien commun (Hinnovic 12, Mov, 2015)
Sensorica, noveau modele d'affaire ou mode passagere? (Revue Gestion, HEC Montreal, 2014)
Économie peer-to-peer : témoignage d’un entrepreneur (SAJE Montreal)
Owning Together Is the New Sharing (Yes Magazine, 2015)
Owning is the new sharing (Shareable, 2014)

In scientific publications

OSH Start-ups’ Business Development Challenges: The Case of SENSORICA from a Total Integrated Marketing Perspective

In documentaries

A New Economy

My scientific publications