
part of Network Admin


This page shows how resources flow from affiliates into different processes.

If you want to see how resources flows into the network from other sources see Revenue.

Use this page to make rational decisions about your involvement in the OVN. This is part of the Feedback System.

NOTE: Individual contributions to infrastructure development and maintenance are treated as dept towards the community and will be paid back from commercial activities + 20% for covering the risk. This is your incentive to contribute to the development of OVN

Financial contributors to the network

You can invest in infrastructure (pay bills and essential support roles), go HERE.
Open to edit and moreCLARIFICATION: Tactus is a company used by affiliates to get funding, to sell products, and to pay the bills. The contributions of Tactus in this graph are mostly about paying rent and other recurring bills for the Sensorica lab in Montreal. We recently created ACES/CAKE Canada to act as a custodian for Sensorica, which will take care of the physical infrastructure.

Time contributions to the network

NOTE: These are contributions in time to build and maintain the infrastructure, to develop the network, not to projects.


This section contains visuals (and will contain analysis tools) for resources (time, financial, material...). It is designed to tell us where resources come from, how they are used (in what project, in what type of activity), and how they are linked to creation of value.

Financial resources

More to come...


More to come...


This section will contain visuals and analysis tools for social aspects of the value network. It is designed to tell us if our network is healthy, vibrant, creative, productive, ...

You can get involved in developing this page.


  • Extract and process data from our communication channels. Produce visuals. Use models to reveal problems and to suggest solutions.
  • Evaluate the network's social penetration through social media, Produce visuals. Use models to reveal problems and to suggest solutions.


  • Google API, Google Scripts and Apps, JavaScript...

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