Agriculture consulting

Hardware and Support

Let us help you with technology and economic advice for agriculture

glocal food systems

open seeds production and distribution

Use the pattern of the Trust Economy to integrate open communities of geneticists, nurseries and farms. This is a 4th Sector type initiative integrating open networks with traditional organizations. 

One aspect of this initiative is to provide the open networks of geneticists with economic tools, elevating them to economic agents contributing with innovation in the agricultural setting. As they become an economic force, providing locally resilient plants, they flip the agricultural paradigm up-side-down, as the bedrock of agriculture becomes an open network. 

IoT for agriculture

This initiative is underdeveloped... If you found it and want to contribute, go ahead. If you are not a Sensorica affiliate, just ask to join the network

Two main documents 

indoor horticulture

Don't babysit your plants, we can make’m smarter!

What if plants call you when they need assistance, instead of you going to see them when they are probably doing just fine?

Reduce time spent on attending to your plants by using low cost automated systems. 

Yes, the plants can water themselves!

Get to the root problem, monitor soil conditions deep inside the soil.

Reduce the number of monthly visits to your plants by remote monitoring. The plant will tell you when it needs assistance! Plan your daily trips according to priorities. Save money and time and increase the number of contracts you can manage.

We can help you save time and money by designing monitoring and automation solutions for your plants, tailored to your needs.

See more on Greens Sense

urban agriculture services

Under construction... THIS IS A PLACE HOLDER FOR NOW... to be used by those who take initiative to develop these services. 

Let's create a team of self-driven individuals that share a passion for urban agriculture and open source technology, to put together a series of support initiatives, as part of the Sensorica community


This is YOUR page, if you want to take initiative. 

NOTE that some Sensoricans have already started a business plan for an Exchange Firm called GrowSense. 

If you are not a Sensorica affiliate yet, please Contact the community for assistance. 

Sensorica is a horizontal collective of freelancers that collaborate together and share the benefits according to everyone's contribution.  

NOTE: revenue generated through these services are shared among participants. 5% go to sustain the Sensorica community and its infrastructure. 

Current consultations