Build an automated and connected Green Wall.
The Green Wall project was created at the time Sensorica was working with CDEC Rosemont on Project VIE. The plan was to install green walls in the space that was supposed to host the Sensorica Montreal lab/community.
These green walls were imagined to serve the purpose of mobile physical space separators, food supply and green laboratory for indoor microfarming. Project VIE failed, and soon after the LED Green Wall project lost momentum.
In parallel, other Sensorica projects related to food growing were developed and lumped under the GreenSense branding. Meanwhile, John, a sensorican from Australia, continued a relentless work of integrating open source hardware and developed software for automated and connected urban agriculture, see documentation here.
The goal of the project is to perfect sensing and automation systems for indoors microfarming. Some of this technology will be applied to large scale greenhouse operations.
Interior design, space configuration, aesthetics
Indoor air cleaning and purification
Indoors and outdoor food production
Communication and coordination
Communication channels
Messaging: Discord channel, Sensorica-ecg mailing list, Food System forum.
For more generic discussions: Open forum, Main Sensorica mailing list
Social media: Sensorica Facebook page
Coordination tools
Building prototype at the Sensorica lab.
Current needs
Materials for water system | list
Installation of electronic module and software
Community animator
Early 2023
Oct 2022 - Emanuel joined the project.
[Oct. 12, 2020] Tibi has registered the Green Wall project for a day-long Hackathon, during the Open Climate Collabathnon COMMUNITY EVENTS, in November 2020
[September, 2020] Work on the piping of the device has started, to be finalized in October
[Jan 28 2020] Tibi and John went over the new GrowSense software, reinstalled it on the Sensorica Green Wall (running on an Orange Pi Zero). The new system has a web interface to view data and manipulate hardware configuration.
explaining the frame of the Green Wall
talking about plants and growing environment
talking about growing medium (soil)
electronics and software?
See other related videos here.
Describe all layers of incentives
Open Venture governance document
[Instruction: link to governance doc, use template to create governance - delete this after]Organizational context
Custodian Agreement [provide link]
Exchange firm Agreement [provide link]
Venture Governance Template [provide link]