Open Innovation Saves Lives: Decentralized Solutions for Cystic Fibrosis Therapy

We create open source DIY hardware and software for cystic fibrosis therapy.

We collaborate with Sainte Justine Children's Hospital in Montreal, where these solutions are tested with patients.

We are approaching Health Canada for approving this open source DIY solution as a medical device.

Communication and coordination

Messaging: Sensorica Discord | BG Discord
Social mediaYouTube | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn
Other website:



Download full .skp model
You can open it in sketchup (it's free) and export other formats

Download STL files for bottom part, Middle part (base and optical fiber holder) and Top part.


VENTURES under this COMMUNITY follow the OPEN VALUE NETWORK model's governance. 

VENTURES are COLLABORATIVE, TRANSPARENT (anyone has access to the information that they produce) and OPEN (anyone can participate). They only produce things based on OPEN SOURCE technology. Ventures have a CUSTODIAN that represents them legally and acts as a trust for their tangible assets. Ventures can have multiple EXCHANGE FIRMS, which are commercial entities that move products and services developed by Ventures on the MARKET

EXCHANGE FIRMS oblige themselves by contract with the CUSTODIAN to share PROFIT with all contributors to Ventures, from which they commercialize PRODUCTS.


See the Governance page for network-level and project-level governance and governance templates documents. 


| Contributions (NRP-CAS) | Calendar | Decisions | - Log Contributions

Contributions accounting and spending

Log Contributions

Budgeting and Spending on Labour

Purchase of materials

You can find almost all bills in this folder

Contributors roles and tasks

Tasks and roles

PEP Master budget 2024

Did you know?

You can launch your own venture, see how.