Greens for Good

Venture Category: Food and agriculture
Community: Sensorica

Newcomer onboarding document

We are currently running one crowdfunding campaign, please click the icons below to read and contribute. 

Open Offers

# Help write grant proposals and earn

This offer is great for individuals who have experience with grant proposal writing. 5 to 10% of the grant is shared among those who contributed to the effort for acquiring it. Join Discord to start contributing.



Click on the logos below to open support letters.
You are a partner organization and want to formalize your relations with Greens for Good? Send a support letter to Tibi. You can use templates if you are an NGO, a private firm or an academic lab. Your logo will be placed here-below and you'll be contacted to participate in funding proposals.

Initial sponsor


A modular, open-source, do-it-yourself (DIY) and scalable extruder that can be used to extract proteins and oil, mill corn, make pasta and chips, among other things. The device can be produced using locally available parts and materials in rural areas and villages across the developing world.

Higher objectives


In times of crisis, when industrial food supplies break down we can avoid famine by processing indigenous plants or byproducts of agricultural processes, which we see as a latent nutrient capacity. Our main objective is to provide a method to extract proteins from leafy biomass to bridge current protein demand deficits or during catastrophes. 

The best way to disseminate this food crisis solution is to embed the function of leaves protein extraction into a more generic food processing platform (hardware, device), designed to be easily extensible to address various labor intensive and repetitive food processing activities. The multi-functional character of the hardware solution and its utility in normal times increase its desirability. Thus, the device will be adopted and embedded into local communities for sustainable operations, carrying with it the function of leaf protein extraction, which constitutes a latent response capacity in case of a food shortage.

Past work on leaf concentrate has been based on a batch processing method, which involves the coagulation of fresh leaves juice, and uses separate devices for pressure extraction, thermal precipitation and separation. Leaf concentrate is essentially a curd, also known as leaf protein, leaf nutrient, and leaf extract. A pioneering organization is Leaf for Life. See video explaining the process

The extruder design pattern is already used with success to grind meat and grains, extract juice and oil, pattern (make pasta), etc. Moreover, all the steps involved in the leaf concentrate batch process can be reproduced with an extruder. Therefore, it is possible to have a leaf concentrate extrusion process, but what would be the optimal parameters and in what circumstances is this preferable to the batch process? 

Our goal is to turn the batch leaf concentrate process into a continuous sequential process, based on the extruder design pattern. The scale of this device is between DIY home and industrial, village scale. Our design will be easily replicable , using stock components and make minimal use of custom parts (unless they can be digitally fabricated with a RepRap class 3-D printer or CNC mill –e.g. limit to what is found in most fab labs and avoid high energy processes and a skilled machinist). It minimizes cost and complexity while keeping throughput high (continuous if possible).

Project nature

This is a sponsored project, i.e. an organization is paying us to do the work. 

Deliverables are open source with commercial rights granted. 

We can get more funding for this project. 

Economic model

Commons-based peer production, with spinoff ecosystems services as monetizing activities to insure the continuity of the project.


An efficient process to extracts proteins from green leaves. Supply chain disruptions can lead to food shortages. In times of crisis, when access to protein-rich staples is cut, people can fall back on lower protein plants that are available in their immediate environment. The extractor can provide essential nutrition for up to village scale.

Project requirements

Need to be developed using only OS tools (e.g. OS CAD-like FreeCAD or OpenSCAD) and be digitally replicable (e.g. make the pulleys 3D printed primarily from a RepRap-class fused filament 3D printer) and only common cheap off-the-shelf components (e.g. cheap reliable electric motor).


Source code (CAD in native format and STL), full BOM (component, number, cost, and source), build instructions with pictures, operation/maintenance instructions, video of operation and prototype sent to the Project Sponsor

Other conditions

The Project Sponsor would retain first academic publication rights (with Sensorica co-authors if wanted). At the time of academic paper submission full open source documentation released to the world.

Communication and coordination

Communication channels

Coordination tools


Greens for Good presentation

Venture status: Organization: Innovation Partnership development. See Strategy doc

Technical development status: Prototyping and testing. 



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Video playlist

This is the venture's video playlist. Click on the  =  icon, corner top right of the video, to see the full list. 

Use this link to contribute to this list.

Budget and contributions

Open the Dashboard

This project has been seed funded by Michigan Tech University. We are currently perusing other funding opportunities

NOTE: Only funding initiatives listed in the funding document are legit, i.e. sanctioned by contributors!

Documentation repository

If you are a contributor ask permission to edit the following repositories.

Bookmarks  |  Videos  | Photos

3D models


Incentives are stakeholder specific

Contributors (project affiliates)

Disseminators (NGOs)

Users (farmers, local communities)

Equipment manufacturers (for profit companies)

Innovation intermediaries (tech transfer bridge and advocacy organizations)

Academia (university labs)

It's up to YOU to extract some or all the above benefits :)


more on Governance page
PROJECTS are seen as COLLABORATIVE VENTURES, which are TRANSPARENT (anyone has access to the information that they produce) and OPEN (anyone can participate). They only produce deliverables based on OPEN SOURCE technology. PROJECTS have a CUSTODIAN that represents them legally and acts as a trust for their tangible assets. PROJECTS can have multiple EXCHANGE FIRMS, which are commercial entities that move products and services developed by PROJECTS on the MARKET. EXCHANGE FIRMS oblige themselves by contract with the CUSTODIAN to share PROFIT with all contributors to PROJECTS, from which they commercialize PRODUCTS.

Organizational context
