What's this?
Sensorica went online on February 11, 2011, only two years after the launch of the Bitcoin network, as an effort to understand how open networks can engage in material peer production.
Individuals and collaborative communities: set in motion crowd-based economic processes, create open ventures, to crowdsource resources and harness collective intelligence, see more.
Entrepreneurs: 80% financial costs savings to launch a product on the market, see more.
Academia: steps into open science.
Traditional companies: rapid innovation and 50% cost reduction for R&D, see more.
Sensorica is an OVN, not a traditional organization, more on Q&A page.
We are committed to the design and deployment of intelligent sensors and sensemaking systems (IoT + AI + p2p infrastructures), which allow our communities to optimize interactions with our physical environment and realize our full human potential. mission doc
We are developing Roadmap V6, 2024.
Media about Sensorica
The following sources mention Sensorica, the network that created this shared environment.
The Wolf and the Caribou: Coexistence of Decentralized Economies and Competitive Markets
Meeting Grand Challenges with Participation of a Different Kind
From Open Innovation to Crowd Sourcing: A New Configuration of Collaborative Work?
Peer to Peer The Commons Manifesto
Comment le blockchain va remplacer le banquier
L'économie du partage, un eldorado ? - Les Affaires
Sensorica ou quand l’accès libre se met au service du bien commun
Sensorica, noveau modele d'affaire ou mode passagere?
Économie peer-to-peer : témoignage d’un entrepreneur
New Forms of Network-based Governance
Owning Together Is the New Sharing
Open co-ops: inspiration, legal structures and tools
La Commons Economy à l’heure du déclin de l’Empire Américain
A basic dictionary of the sharing economy
Science Just Got Cheaper (and Faster): Design Library Lets Researchers Print their Own Syringe Pumps
Open Source Designs Let Researchers Print Syringe Pumps
Scientific papers
OSH Start-ups’ Business Development Challenges: The Case of Sensorica from a Total Integrated Marketing Perspective
Cautious hope: Prospects and perils of communitarian governance in a Web3 environment
open folder
This week's featured video
Tibi presents his views on the future of civilization and of rationality.
# Help write grant proposals and earn
This offer is great for individuals who have experience with grant proposal writing. 5 to 10% of the grant is shared among those who contributed to the effort for acquiring it. Two ventures are in need of funding, PEP Master and Greens for Good. Join Discord to start contributing.
# Help develop our local fabrication capacity and earn
This offer is great for individuals who have experience with fabrication processes, network resource stewarding, value propositions and outreach, relations building and collaborative entrepreneurial skills. grant proposal writing. See more here.
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OVN space
Multitude Project
Open Builds
Seasteading Institute
Breathing Games
have contributed financially to develop the OVNTammy Lea Meyer
Maria Frangus
Eugenia Ilie
Ruxandra Creosteanu
Daniel Fuentes
Bogdan Ghiorghiu
Philippe Dupuis Hamel
Sandrine Milante
Maude Laplante
Cynthia St-Laurent
Gabrielle Immarigeon